Monthly Archives: January 2016

Mondays with Megan-What Are You Reading? 1/18/16

It’s a quiet, snowy Monday morning here at the library, so I thought I would take a few minutes to actually write a new blog post. Admittedly, this poor spot has been neglected for a couple of months. I have been busy doing after school programs every day, managing a new collection (adult science fiction and fantasy, I am so excited!), creating readers advisory pamphlets for the teen collection, and revamping my summer reading plans (yes, summer reading!). I still have plenty to say about books, but not a lot of time to say it in a blog. I have been talking books with my Wednesday night colleagues over on the library’s Facebook page. If you are interested in a live chat, be sure to visit us Wednesdays 7:30-8:30, pm.

So far this year my reading has been driven by the Cybils Awards. I am a Round 2 judge for the Young Adult Speculative Fiction category. I have seven books to read, review, and discuss with my fellow judges before we announce the winner in February. I am not permitted to review any of the books here yet, but check out the link above if you curious about what I have been reading.

With the new year also comes a new set of reading goals. I use Goodreads to keep track of my reading and have challenged myself to read or listen to 250 books this year. That’s crazy, I know, but I am going to try. Graphic novels totally count towards that goal. I might have to create my own mini-readathons throughout the year. In addition to the number of books I want to read, I have some goals for the types of books as well. I need to become more familiar with adult science fiction and fantasy, so I will be reading more in that area. I also feel like it is time to read more of the popular authors who always have enormous holds lists (I’m looking at you Grisham and Patterson). I know they are already popular and don’t need me to talk them up, but if I have a better sense of why they are so popular I can better recommend other titles that readers might not necessarily seek out. So, I suppose my true reading goal this year is to widen my reader’s advisory expertise!

I warned you I still have a lot to say 😉 Moving along.



a is for alibi after you northern light innocent tournament

  • A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton-3/5. Originally published in 1982, this book introduces PI Kinsey Milhone. I will pick up more of this series.
  • After You by Jojo Moyes-4/5. The follow-up to Me Before You. Sweet, sad, and hopeful. Lovely.
  • A Northern Light by Jennifer Connelly-4/5. Historical fiction based on the real life murder of Grace Brown in 1906. I don’t know why it took me so long to read this one!
  • The Innocent by David Baldacci-3/5. The first of the Will Robie series. Will is paid assassin for the U.S. government. Plenty of action!
  • The Tournament at Gorlan by John Flanagan-5/5. The first book in The Early Years series, features a young Halt! I love everything about the Rangers and am so excited for a new series!

Currently Reading:

goblet  squirrel girl see how they run walls wind

Current Audio:

golden those girls

On Deck:

inheritance six why not

Ok, that’s enough for today!

Happy Reading!
