Monthly Archives: April 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Want a Book


This week’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the Broke and the Bookish is all about insta-want (not to be confused with the dreaded and annoying insta-love trope). I am talking about those themes/descriptors/genres that pique your interest the moment you hear them. I have been known to have a Pavlovian response to the following:

1. Time Travel. This is a relatively new obsession and I must admit I am not indulging it nearly enough.

hourglass ruby red 112263

2. Road Trip. I have always wanted to be the kind of person who takes road trips. I love the romantic book versions of road trips. In reality, gas station bathrooms are disgusting, you can only eat so many Combos, and cars are pretty uncomfortable. But the road trip novel? Heaven!

amy and roger abundance of katherines going bovine

3. Serial Killers. Nothing like a serial killer to get the heart pumping!

i hunt killers christopher killer name of the star

4. Secret Societies. Who doesn’t want to be a part of a secret society? There is so much variety here-spies, magicians, nano-technology, paranormal agencies, secret demon hunters and more! LOVE this theme.

i'd tell you white-cat bzrk rook stork city of bones blood oath

5. Dark Humor. I love books that have a wicked sense of humor. I also enjoy a serious book with unexpected bits of much-needed comic relief.

hold me closer  dirty job sapphire blue golem

6. Sassy/Snarky/Plucky Heroine. It’s true! I love a mouthy gal! Frankie, Lucy, Sophie, Evie, Elvie, Amy, Jackie, and Ruby, I am looking at you!

frankie hearts hex hall paranormalcy mothership texas gothic bloody jack boyfriend

7. Retellings/Mythology. Fractured fairy tales and modern mythology seem to be all rage and I like it. I need to read more!

cinder fables strands of bronze and gold percy my ex from hellsisters red frost beastly

8. Zombies and Vampires. For me this one is cyclical. I burn out on one and move to the other. I think I am heading back into a vampires kind of mood. I want to read Immortal Rules soon.

forest of hands and teeth original hearts this is not a tesst immortal rules

9. Paranormal that is NOT zombies or vampires. You know, ghosts, chimera, demons, and other such mystical creatures. I never did get into mermaids though.

diviners daughter of smoke raven boys clockwork

10. Romance. I have been fighting this one. I was never a romance reader growing up, but I just have to come to terms with the fact that I enjoy a nice teen romance. I do!

my life just one day pushing the limits nantucket blue

Bonus: Words/Topics that make me run away

1. Cancer. Nope. Can’t do it. No thanks. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Too much real life experience with the old C-word to last many life times. No need to read about it. I am also not a huge fan of suicide and eating disorder books.

2. Holocaust. I try. I really do. I acknowledge that there is a ton of really amazing literature out there, and I have appreciated the works that I have read, but oh man, it is so horrifying and disturbing. I can’t handle it. I just can’t.

3. Fairies. So far there has been one exception: Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey series.

Happy Reading!


Mondays With Megan-Spring Readathon Wrap-up

Hello dear reader, Happy Monday! As you may know, I participated in another Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon over the weekend. I was so excited. I was so prepared. I was so sleepy…and threw in the towel during hour 18. *Sigh* Well, lesson learned! No more Cousins Night Out before a readathon. I will redeem myself in October. Of course the event was not a total bust. I think 18 hours of participation is not too shabby and I finished three books. Now I am only 4 books behind on my reading goal! How about a big It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? list? Thanks to Book Journey and Teach Mentor Text for hosting!

mondayreading Mon Reading Button PB to YA


mind games golem what happens next sweet revenge fruits basket1 ocd finger lickin relish

1. Mind Games by Kiersten White is the first in a new series. It is a huge departure from her Paranormalcy series and took some getting used to, but in the end, I really liked it!
2. The Golem’s Eye by Jonathan Stroud is the second book in the Bartimaeus series. I listened to this one and enjoyed it more than the first. I will definitely finish this series. I was on the fence when I began.
3. What Happens Next by Colleen Clayton is a fantastic debut by a local author! I often struggle with “issue” books and this was no different. It seems so wrong to say that I loved a book that deals with the aftermath of a drug rape, but I did.
4. The Sweet Revenge of Celia Door by Karen Finneyfrock is another debut novel. The issues are bullying and homosexuality. It was fine.
5. Fruits Basket vol. 1 by Natsuki Takaya. A teen reader of mine insisted that I read this. I don’t read much manga, but I enjoyed this one. I will probably read on.
6. OCD, the Dude, and Me by Karen Roedy Vaughan. Wanted to love it. Ended up just liking it. I think I may have over done it on the contemporary fiction. Once again, traumatized girl being saved by a guy. The whole OCD part was very interesting.
7. Finger Lickin’ Fifteen by Janet Evanovich. I missed the exploding car bits in the last one…she brought back the fire balls with a vengeance. Good old predictable fluff.
8. Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley. I LOVED this graphic novel memoir. I may have to own this one. I will definitely be gifting this one to a few foodies. Perfect.

Currently Listening To:

caleb life after life

Currently Reading:

nightmare affair dare you to my one square inch hallowed ones

I am so excited to have an e-galley of Dare You To by Katie McGarry! The others are in preparation for the Ohioana Book Festival. So far I am enjoying all of my reading this week.

Happy Reading!


Mid-Event Survey! Readathon April 2013

I can’t believe the readathon is halfway over! Truth be told, I have been a bit of a slacker. But it just can’t be helped. Here’s a little check-in survey:

Mid-Event Survey

1) How are you doing? Sleepy? Are your eyes tired?
2) What have you finished reading?
3) What is your favorite read so far?
4) What about your favorite snacks?
5) Have you found any new blogs through the readathon? If so, give them some love!


1. I am sleepy! I have been sleepy since I dragged myself out of bed 12 hours ago. But, I am hanging in there. My eyes are getting a little rest with some audio.

2. Finished: Finger Lickin’ Fifteen by Janet Evanovich and Fruits Basket vol. 1 by Natsuki Takaya. I am 2/3 of the way through The Sweet Revenge of Celia Door by Karen Finneyfrock. I have also listened to almost 2.5 hours of Caleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks.

3. Favorite: Finger Lickin’ Fifteen. Good old Stephanie Plum!

4. Favorite Snacks: The bacon egg and cheese panini I had for lunch

5. New blogs? Nope. Total slacker blogger here today. Hopefully I will do some blog visiting in the second half!

Back to the books!

Happy Reading!


My current read-almost done!


April 2013 Readathon Mini Challenge-Book Puzzle

Phew! Already Hour 6? The coffee shop is hopping, the sun is shining and the windows are all open! It is finally a beautiful spring day. I am going to take a break from reading, enjoy the fresh air and participate in a mini challenge. Hosted by One Librarian’s Book Reviews, Book Puzzles is one of my favorites! It’s easy. I give you some pictures clues and you tell me the book titles.

1. Here is my current read:

banana applepear


2. I am also reading this:




Have fun!

Happy Reading!



Let’s Get This Party Started! April 2013 Readathon.

Good Morning Readers! Hour 1 is here (and almost over!) so it’s time for an introductory post.

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?

My Answers:

1. Good morning from SUNNY Cleveland, Ohio!
2. I am overwhelmed with all of my options! I can’t wait to read the new Walking Dead graphic novel and I am looking forward to another Stephanie Plum novel. I think I am on number 15.
3. I think I have a snack for every book! Right now I am most excited about consuming copious amounts of coffee. I am pretty excited about some of the treats my reading buddy is making too.
4. My name is Megan and I am the Teen Librarian. I come from a big family (oldest of 8) and cannot imagine a life without cheese and ice cream.
5. This is my third time participating and I am running on less sleep this year than last, so my revised plan is to just stay awake!

Happy Reading!



Here is a ridiculous picture of me (left, mouth open!) and one of my sisters. The horses, Nemo and Rojo belong to our other sister. She snapped this one just as her neighbor’s horse snuck up behind her. Like a reverse photo bomb.

How to Rock a Readathon in Spring, 2013

Tomorrow is The Big Day! It’s time for another Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon and I *think* I am ready. I am sure there will be some last-minute adjustments, but the general plan is in place. This will be my third time participating, so I am feeling pretty confident. Here are my tips for a successful readathon:

1. Location, location, location. I take my reading all over town. It keeps me moving and motivated and reduces the risk of dozing off in my comfy chair. I usually start my day by walking the dog (with my audio book, of course). Then I head out to meet my reading buddy at our favorite local coffee shop. By the afternoon we are ready for a break and a stretch, so another walk is usually in order. The rest of the time is spent split between our houses.


2. Food and Beverages. I am a coffee fiend, so that’s my caffeinated beverage of choice. I also recommend drinking plenty of water. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! As for snacks, I like to go for variety. Chocolate covered espresso beans, peanut butter pretzels, fancy granola, fruit and nuts. I think the key is to just graze. At least that’s my plan!


3. The Books. This is the first year that I have a strategy in addition to a goal.

  • No books that I am dying to read. I am saving those for a time when I can savor them.
  • I have a wide variety of books on hand. I will be padding my stats with graphic novels for sure and I have audio books on hand for when my eyes need a rest or I am in the car.
  • Short and sweet. I am trying to keep my books to ones that have 300 pages or less.
  • This year I have decided that skimming is ok. I am not a speed reader, I have to make up time somehow!
  • I am going for humor and suspense. I have found that a really creepy page-turner is the perfect book for the painful hours between 4-7 am!
  • Check in this the mini-challenges! They offer a nice break and lots of fun.

4. Wear comfy clothes and have fun!

See you tomorrow!

Happy Reading!


Top Ten Tueday: Books I Liked More Than I Expected

toptentuesdayThis week’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is all about surprises. We all have them, good and bad. That book you were dying to read that turned out to be less than awesome? Or that little gem that you never knew you were looking for? Yup. Those surprises. Since I am having a great day, I am going to keep it all positive and share the books that I ended up LOVING more than I ever expected. I love when that happens!

1. The Ranger’s Apprentice by John Flanagan. I think I talk about this series more than I talk about Bloody Jack (another happy surprise) and Gone (a mild obsession, I know). I picked this one up in an attempt to expand my repertoire of “boy” books. I did not expect to fall in love…


2. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater. I was not a fan of Shiver (this would be on the LESS side, if I were to make that list…) but everyone was raving about this one so I gave it a shot. I would like to thank myself for being open-minded. This book rocks and I can’t wait for more!

raven boys

3. The Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. I struggled with this one. I tried to read it and love it, but returned it to the library more than once unfinished. But the blogosphere was on fire with all the love and I was feeling left out, so I made one last effort with an audio version. Huzzah! I have all the love now too!

daughter of smoke

4. I am the Messenger by Marcus Zusak. So that problem that I had with #3? Same issue with The Book Thief. After finally having all the love for that one I sought out more. Ed Kennedy won me over in a heartbeat!


5. The Drake Chronicles by Alyxandra Harvey. Confession: I tend to look down on paperback series. I know, so snobby. So when I was looking for a vampire romance fix and found this series I didn’t expect much. Well, let me tell you, this series is AWESOME!

blood feud

6. Blood Red Road by Moira Young. I think this was the first ARC of my library career and let me tell you, I was not impressed. I let it collect dust on my desk until guilt got the best of me. A struggle with the dialect for a while, but once I got used to it I was sucked in to the story! Best Hunger Games readalike out there.

blood red road

7. Mothership by Martin Leitch. I expected this one to be super cheesy. It was in a totally campy awesome way! I laughed out loud as I read this one in a single sitting. I want more. It’s like candy!


8. Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. I don’t do fantasy. But apparently I do peer pressure! All the cool kids at work were talking about it and I just had to join in. I almost didn’t make it, but somewhere around page 200 (out of a bazillion!) everything clicked and I was hooked!


9. Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt. I only picked this one up because of all the Newbery Award hubbub. I did not expect to become so completely emotionally tangled up with Doug and his problems. And the birds! Audubon’s birds! Really? Yes! I have read this one twice now and I am sure I will read it again.

okay for now

10. Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly. I keep telling myself that I don’t do historical fiction. I should just shut up, because I am a big fat liar. I really enjoy historical fiction! But I went into Revolution with an attitude, so I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this one. Now, repeat after me: historical fiction is fun!


Runners Up: Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta, Hold Me Closer Necromancer by Lish McBride, and The Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa.

Happy Reading!


Mondays With Megan: Earth Day 2013 Edition

loraxDid you know the first Earth Day was celebrated April 22, 1970 and that The Lorax by Dr. Seuss was published in 1971? Coincidence? I think not! In honor of Earth Day I have put together of list books that will get you thinking about the environment. You should also give The Lorax a quick read (or reread!).


my life flush rootless endangered ship breaker ashfall life as we knew it breathe

These are just a few books that have an environmental theme. I have only had a chance to read half of them (the bottom row). I have heard great things about Endangered by Eliot Schafer and my readers seem to love My Life in Pink and Green by Lisa Greenwald!


50 things green generation tracking trash

If these books don’t inspire you to hug (or even better, plant) a tree, I just don’t know what will!

Now for a quick reading week recap. Time to check in with Book Journey and Teach Mentor Text for It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

While I am still way behind in my reading, I FINALLY finished those books that I have been reading for AGES!


little women lost stories saints fearless

Can you believe that this is my first time reading Little Women? I really enjoyed this one! I am so happy that there is going to be one more in the Ranger’s Apprentice series because the collection of short stories left me misty eyed more than once. Saints in the companion to Boxers, which I really enjoyed. I will work on a review this week. And good old Stephanie Plum is always good for a laugh.

Current Audio:

golem caleb

I am almost finished with The Golem’s Eye by Jonathan Stroud. I think I like this second installment in the Bartimaeus series better than the first! With the weather getting nicer and my neurotic dog getting braver, I am getting in more walks. Which means more Playaways! I am currently listening to Caleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks.

Currently Reading (print and e-books)

mind games testing shatter me

On Deck:

life after life

My next book on CD is Life After Life by Kate Atkinson. I am not sure what books I will read next. I am stock-piling for this weekend’s readathon!

Happy Reading!


Top Ten Tuesday National Library Week Edition: Books About Libraries and Librarians


This week’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish is a freebie. A perfectly timed freebie! In keeping with the spirit of National Library Week, I present give a list of books starring libraries and/or librarians.

1. Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt. I love this book and I love that Doug finds refuge in the library. Of course, the one librarian is presented as a stereotypical old biddy shusher. I suppose this portrayal is fitting of the time period. We aren’t like that at my library!

okay for now

2. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. I love that the young wizards, led by girl genius Hermione, often hit the library in search of answers. Again, a cranky librarian….sigh.


3. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohls. Finally, an awesome librarian!

beautiful creatures

4. The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman. I thought I had my dream job until I read this book! Now I realize that my dream job is actually to be a librarian in a magical library, such as one that preserves the knowledge and artifacts related to the Grimm’s fairy tales. Love, love, love.

grimm legacy

5.  Americus by MK Reed. This graphic novel stars a typical (read: awkward) teen struggling to manage high school. He escapes into books and with the help of a dedicated librarian discovers an awesome book…which the towns people want banned. A great read!


6. So You Want to Be a Wizard by Diane Duane. The adventures in this book would never have occurred without a friendly librarian putting the right book into the right person’s hands. (We pride ourselves in matchmaking!)


Here are a few I haven’t read yet…

7. Lirael by Garth Nix. This is part of the Ahborsen series and I will read it some day!


8. The Peculiars by Maureen Doyle McQuerry. This one apparently has a handsome librarian. Nice.


9. Library Wars: Love & War by Kiiro Yumi. I really must get to reading this manga series! It’s government oppression vs. library lovers.

library wars

10. The Archived by Victoria Schwab. This one just came in to the library and I can’t wait to take it home. “Imagine a place where the dead rest on shelves like books.” Why, don’t mind if I do.


BONUS: My favorite book featuring a library and librarians

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.


The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger was pretty darn good too!

time traveler's wife
Happy Library Week!




Mondays With Megan: It’s National Library Week


From the American Library Association:

“National Library Week (April 14 – 20, 2013) is a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation’s libraries and library workers and to promote library use and support. From free access to books and online resources for families to library business centers that help support entrepreneurship and retraining, libraries offer opportunity to all.

This year’s theme is “Communities matter @ your library,” reminding all Americans that the library can help you and your family discover a new and exciting world through collections, digital resources and more.”

I have been a life-long library user, even when I left my home state for college. In fact, for the four years that I lived in Washington, DC I had a local drivers license just so that I could get a public library card. I eventually took a very long and winding road back to the library world as a librarian and I love it! Despite my compulsive need to buy books, the majority of my reading, listening, and viewing materials still come from the public library.

I have had so much fun is my position as Teen Librarian. My favorite parts of my job are planning programs and ordering books. Over the past four years I think I have planned some pretty cool things. I have been allowed to host a zombie walk, a library lock-in, a cornhole tournament, an author visit, and numerous craft programs. The library has offered babysitting courses, practice ACT and SAT tests, and financial literacy programs. We resurrected the book club and Teen Advisory Group. I started this blog. I have been inspired and amazed by some pretty awesome teens and while it’s not all sunshine and roses, the good stuff always outweighs the challenges. The shameless gushing about how cool my job and library are is over for now so it’s time to check in with my favorite Monday meme hosts, Book Journey and Teach Mentor Texts for

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

mondayreading Mon Reading Button PB to YA


clockwork princess agatha boxers

I finally finished Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare! It was, wow. Just wow. I was concerned about the whole love triangle nonsense (Team Jem here), but it was resolved beautifully. Also, there were lots of tears. Based on a recommendation from a patron (I actually love when that happens) I picked up the beginning of the Agatha Heterodyne series. I will definitely continue with this fun steampunk series and look into adding it to my library’s collection. Finally, I devoured Boxers, a new graphic novel from Gene Luen Yang, due out in September of this year.

I continue to lag far behind on my Goodreads reading goal, so this week I am going to focus on finishing some of the books that I have started. Lost Stories, Little Women, and Fearless Fourteen, I am lookin’ at you!

lost stories little women fearless

I do have a couple of e-galleys that I would like to work on as well:

saints testing

I am sure I will zip through Saints, the companion to Boxers. I also have The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau to start. I think this is enough. I need to quit dragging my heels and get caught up!

Happy Reading!
