Monthly Archives: February 2017

What I’m Reading Now: American Street by Ibi Zoboi


Fabiola Toussant and her mother leave Haiti to start a new life in Detroit with her aunt and cousins. When her mother is detained by U.S. Immigration Fabiola must rely on her loud American cousins to help her navigate this new world.

Fabiola and her mother had dreamed of finding une belle vie, a good life, and the corner of American and Joy Streets on Detroit’s West side. In many ways Detroit is nothing like Haiti. The weather, food, the customs are all different. However, the dangerous, gritty side of life in Detroit is similar to that of Port-au-Prince and Fabiola’s cousins are caught up in it. When an opportunity to help her mother is presented to her, Fabiola must make a tough decision. Is she willing to pay the high cost of the American Dream?

I am about half way through the audio version of this book and I am hooked. I love the juxtaposition of traditional Haitian Vodou beliefs and rituals with a contemporary American setting. This story is very much character driven and the characters are fantastic!

You might also like Shadowshaper by Daniel José Older and In Darkness by Nick Lake.

Happy Reading!




Top Ten Tuesday-Romance Edition 2/14/17

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish is all about love: instalove, love triangles, love to hate…Romances are not my go-to genre, but I do occasionally enjoy sweet love story. Here are some of my favorites!

Happy Reading!


What Am I Reading? Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson


Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson
Hardcover, 387 pages
Published January 24th 2017 by Katherine Tegen Books


When she was nine years old Mary B. Addison killed a baby. Allegedly. The infant died while in the care of Mary’s mother. Mary never said she killed, but  the media filled in all the blanks. Mary spent six years in “baby jail” and at the age of sixteen moved into a group home. Here she is abused and tormented by the other residents and the adults turn a blind eye. Her only solace is Ted. When Mary gets pregnant she realizes that in order to protect her new and growing family she has to set the record straight. The odds are stacked against her, but she is smart and determined. Hopefully that will be enough.

This debut novel is so heartbreaking. I just started listening to the audiobook today and am about half way finished. I will definitely be watching for more books by Tiffany Jackson!

Happy Reading
