Monthly Archives: October 2015

Top Ten Tuesday-Dear Book Genie, Please Grant Me These Wishes…10/20/15

toptentuesdayThis week’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish is all about our most bookish desires, and the benevolent genie who will make our wildest bookish dreams come true.

I wish I may, I wish I might, um, no, that one is for stars. Let me try again.

Dear Book Genie, I wish I could experience some of my favorite books for the first time again.

Dear Book Genie, I wish I still had my childhood copies of Richard Scarry’s Busytown books.

Dear Book Genie, I wish I had time to reread all of Game of Thrones.

Dear Book Genie, I wish I had more bookshelves.

Dear Book Genie, I wish I could visit the most beautiful libraries in the world.

Dear Book Genie, I wish that I could meet A.S. King. I am going to be picky here, too, crafty genie. I want to hang out with her and be inspired by her and probably eat burritos with her.

Dear Book Genie, I wish I could read faster.

Dear Book Genie, I wish I could hang out with Laura Ingalls Wilder. You know, on the prairie.

Dear Book Genie, I wish was excited rather than overwhelmed by my TBR list.

Dear Book Genie, I wish I could get paid to read books. I also wish that people understood that librarians do not get paid to sit around and read all day. Not. At. All.

Happy Reading!


Mondays with Megan-Confessions of a Readathon Drop Out-10/19/15

Confession time. I dropped out of the Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon on Saturday. After missing the Spring readathon because I was meeting my newest nephew in Montana, I was really looking forward to the Fall readathon. In the past I have taken my pile of books and my laptop to my favorite coffee shop in the morning and settled until I needed to return home to take of the dog. This year I knew my morning routine was going to be different. My young nephews started playing football this year and they both had games that I wanted to see. I figured I could get some listening in while I drove, but the real reading wasn’t going to happen until after 5. In between the games we went to a local apple orchard for our annual apple fritter pilgrimage. I hardly thought about missing the readathon at all. I was having a great day! Finally the fall festivities wound down and I headed home to warm up and read. I decided to ease into the readathon and started with a graphic novel. I had just completed my first official hour of participation when my 10-year-old nephew called. He wanted to hang out with me while his mom and brother went to a haunted house. I jumped at that chance to introduce him to the show Supernatural. We skipped the scary first season and watched a few of the funnier episodes. By the time he left at 11 I tried to get back into reading, but my heart just wasn’t in it anymore. I even tried taking a nap, but that just made matters worse. So, I went to bed and got a good night’s sleep. I will try again in April. Moving on….

mondaysIt’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.


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  • The Martian by Andy Weir-♥♥♥♥. I am pretty sure everyone knows by now that this book is about an astronaut who gets stuck on Mars. I avoided it for a long time, but I am glad I finally gave in and listened to it. I zoned out during some of the more sciencey bits, but overall it was a lot fun.
  • Drive by Daniel H. Pink-♥♥♥♥. This book focuses on the surprising things that motivate people to do their best work. I am on a bit of a self-improvement/leadership reading kick these days and I really enjoyed this one.
  • Lumberjanes, vol. 2 by Noelle Stevenson-♥♥♥♥. Miss Qiunzella Thiskwin Penniquiqul Thistle Crumpet’s Camp for Hardcore Lady Types is a unique summer camp. It’s not everyday campers have to battle gods and monsters, but it’s all in a day’s work for the Lumberjanes! This series is shaping up to be totally weird and extremely fun!
  • The Marvels by Brian Selznick-♥♥♥♥♥. In the illustrated story readers meet Billy Marvel, the lone survivor of a 1766 shipwreck. Billy becomes the father of the Marvel line which was world-renowned for generations of actors. The print story begins in 1990 with Joseph, a runaway from his boarding school. Joseph finds his way to London in search of an uncle he has never met. Upon his arrival he discovers clues that lead him to believe he is connected to the Marvel family. This is another beautiful and surprising offering from Selznick. Don’t be turned off by the size of the book, I read it in one sitting.

Current Audio:

zeroes furiously

I am behind on my Scott Westerfeld reading. My very own copy of Afterworlds sits untouched and gives me dirty looks all the time. I can’t have two books giving me the stink-eye, so I started Zeroes this weekend. I am furiously happy about Jenny Lawson’s new book, Furiously Happy and wish that I was in my car listening to it right now.

Currently Reading: I am all over the place and not fully committed to anything (except Fables)

fables all american mirror world 76562dce2467fab5977787852674141414d6741 revenge

And I still haven’t started Magnus Chase! What?!?

Happy Reading!


Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon Day! 10/17/15




Good Morning Readers! Today is the big day…and I have a schedule full of football games and a trip to the apple farm. So, I probably won’t get much reading in until after 5 today. I am going to have the best of both worlds-family fall fun day AND readathon! Lucky me. So, on to the Pre-Party introductions.

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?

I am going to be reading from chilly Cleveland, Ohio

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?

I must admit, I did not plan at all for this event. I am excited to read the last volume of Fables by Bill Willingham, but beyond that, my reading will be a surprise to all!

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?

I cannot wait to get an apple fritter the size of my head at the apple farm!

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!

I am the Teen Librarian at Rocky River Public Library and I love my job. I am slightly obsessed with the show Supernatural (Cas and Crowley are my favorites). I have a dog named Kevin. I can not imagine a life without coffee and cheese.

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?

This is not my first rodeo. What I have learned in the past is to just have fun. Also, pick short books and books you don’t mind skimming just a little. Seriously, this is not the time to savor!

I’m off to stand in the cold for 8 hours. I’ll me back this evening.

Happy Reading!


Hours 1-6

So far I have managed a grand total of 30 minutes of listening to my audiobook, Furiously Happy by Jenny Lawson. I also saw my nephew score his team’s only touchdown and got my apple fritters at the orchard. I’m saving those for later!

Hour 7-10

You guys, it actually snowed. Football game #2 was a freezing affair, but we stayed warm with all the cheering we got to do. Nephew #2 was the star of his game too! I managed another 30 minute of Furiously Happy.

Hour 11

I am finally home and ready to focus on reading. I am going to start easy with some graphic novels. But first, a mini-challenge. Actually, my first mini-challenge and it’s an easy one. Fig and Thistle is doing a poll: pumpkin spice, yea or nay? I apologize for the creepy hoodie, but I am still cold! I say, yes to pumpkin spice, even in sausage. I have a lovely locally made pumpkin and walnut bratwurst that is delish. Ok, off to read. Lumberjanes, vol. 2 by Noelle Stevenson, you’re up first.


Hour 12

It’s time for a mid-event survey.

1. What are you reading right now?

All American Boys by Jason Reynolds

2. How many books have you read so far?

Just the one so far.

3. What book are you most looking forward to for the second half of the Read-a-thon?

The Marvels by Brian Selznick

4. Have you had many interruptions? How did you deal with those?

My entire first part of the day was an interruption. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

5. What surprises you most about the Read-a-thon, so far?

How quickly an hour passes by!

Top Ten Tuesday-Dream Writing Duos-10/13/15

toptentuesdayThis week’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish is all about our dream writing pairs. Can you imagine what would happen if your favorite authors teamed up and wrote together? Just imagine it!

1. A.S. King and Libba Bray. Can you imagine the feminist manifesto this duo could create?

glory o'brien beauty queens

2. A.S. King and Marcus Zusak. Everyone always goes on and on about John Green and all the feels. Well, I think these two brilliantly write all the feels on a much deeper level.

reality boy messenger

3. Laini Taylor and Leigh Bardugo. Can you imagine the gorgeous fantasy baby these ladies would produce? *Sigh*

daughter shadow and bone

4. Cat Winters and Ruta Sepetys. When in comes to historical fiction these two can do no wrong.

shadow of the blackbirds out of the easy

5. Mike Mullin and Michael Grant. Whether it’s natural disasters or technological disasters, these guys have the ability to scare the bejeezus out of me!

ashfall2 bzrk

6. John Flanagan and Scott Westerfeld. Despite writing very different types of books, I love that both of these writers have created characters that I truly love. Also, they have created some pretty cool worlds.

ruins leviathna

7. Rainbow Rowell and Ally Carter. I think I am on to something here, I’m just now sure what yet.

fangirl All Fall Down

8. Ernest Cline and Brandon Sanderson. How about a video game/superhero mash-up? Yes, please!

ready steelheart

9. Jonathon Stroud and Jasper Fforde. I really appreciate the wit from these two. Imagine how very British their books would be!

screaming last dragonslayer

10. Jandy Nelson and Benjamin Alire Saenz. This would be another contemporary fiction power couple.

i'll give you the sun aristotle and dante

Happy Reading!


Mondays with Megan-It’s Monday! What Are You

Happy Monday! I spent all of last week in lovely Cincinnati, Ohio attending the Ohio Library Council Conference and Expo. I am still trying to digest all the great information I picked up…and catch up on all the normal stuff I missed here at the library, so this check in will be short and sweet. I read some books. I listened to some books. I binged all of The Mindy Project. I am excited Supernatural season 10 dropped on Netflix. My friend got to meet Rainbow Rowell and she got me a signed copy of Carry On! That’s a pretty good week, if you ask me!


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts.


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  • Alias Hook by Lisa Jensen-♥♥♥♥. This is a reimagining of the Peter Pan story, told from Hook’s point of view. Forget everything you thought knew about Neverland and Peter’s band of Lost Boys! This is a magical and fantastical adventure!
  • Stand Off  by Andrew Smith-♥♥♥♥. This sequel to Winger starts with a new school year, Ryan Dean West’s senior year. In addition to having a claustrophobic 12-year old as a roommate, Ryan Dean struggles with the emotional aftermath of losing his best friend. This book did not engage me in the way Winger did, but I am not the target audience. Ryan Dean has an amazing teen voice and coping with anxiety is an important topic. A welcomed sequel.
  • Alex + Ada, vol. 3 by Sarah Vaughn-♥♥♥♥. The story arc that began with volumes 1 and 2 comes to a surprising conclusion. Fear and hatred of sentient robots is rising and Alex and Ada are in increasing danger. The events in this volume took me by surprise and I am intrigued to see where the story goes.
  • Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys-♥♥♥♥♥. As WWII draws to an end thousands of refugees look to escape East Prussia. The luxury ship Wilhelm Gustloff offers the promise of freedom. Among the refugees are Florian, Emilia, and Joana are among the crowd. They are all strangers and they all have secrets, but working together they may survive. This book is due out in February and you will want to grab it up the second you see it. Ruta Septys delivers another devastating work of historical fiction. Powerful and heartbreaking, she once again brings light to lesser known atrocities of WWII.

Current Audio:


I am almost finished with The Martian and I am currently between audiobooks on my phone. I can’t decide what I am in mood for right now.

Currently Reading:

This rarely happens, but today I get to pick all new books to read! I need to pick a print book and an e-book. I have so many choices my head is spinning! I think I am going to start with these:

sword of summer revenge

Happy Reading!


Mondays with Megan-Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon & Cybils Awards-10/5/15

Happy Monday! It’s a gorgeous day here in Cleveland and I have the day off. Lucky me! I have gotten my reading groove back and have read and listened to some great books this week. But first, a couple of bits of news. First, it’s time for another Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon! I missed the spring readathon because I was meeting my new nephew in April, but I am all registered for the October 17th event. You can sign up too! The second bit of news is that I was selected to be a judge for the Cybils Awards again. This time around I will be a Round 2 YA Speculative Fiction. There is still time to nominate titles, so head on over to the Cybil site if you are interested.


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is hosted by Teach Mentor Texts. 


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Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett and Manhattan Project, vol. 1 by Jonathan Hickman were both recommended to me by patrons-♥♥♥

The others were all amazing! I am really loving the Ms. Marvel series and Lockwood & Co has taken an interesting turn. Walk the Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson is the first book in a new trilogy. Who new westerns could be so awesome? ♥♥♥♥♥ to all four!

Current Audio:

1250042151.01._SX142_SY224_SCLZZZZZZZ_ martian

Currently Reading:

stand off 0399160302.01._SX142_SY224_SCLZZZZZZZ_ tonight 76562dce2467fab5977787852674141414d6741

On Deck:

0545448689.01._SX142_SY224_SCLZZZZZZZ_ 1444764624.01._SX142_SY224_SCLZZZZZZZ_ saga

I am off to enjoy my day off!

Happy Reading!


It’s a Wonderful Death by Sarah J. Schmitt 10/1/15


It’s a Wonderful Death by Sarah J. Schmitt
October 6, 2015
Sky Pony Press
Hardcover, 320 pages

What it’s about:

Seventeen-year-old RJ is at the top of her game. She is the Queen Bee and used to getting her way, even if she has to bully others to get it. So imagine her fury when a Grim Reaper accidentally collects her soul! She refuses to believe she is dead and her protests and tantrums  cause quite the problem in the Afterlife. Everyone agrees that a mistake has been made, but no one can agree on how to set things right. A special tribunal is called composed of three angels, including one who has his eye on Death Himself’s job. Now RJ has a choice. She can wait in limbo until her regularly scheduled death or she can relive three moments in her life. Each do-over is an opportunity to prove that she has a future worth saving. She obviously chooses door number 2. How hard can it be? Especially since she will have three souls to guide her through each of her tasks. The reality is, it is so hard! Will RJ succeed in her quest for mortality? Will it even be worth it? And what is the deal with Saint Peter’s cornhole obsession?

Why you might like it:

Do you love a strong-willed, snarky bully who’s been brought down a notch? RJ is your girl! She is seemingly beyond redemption and it’s kind of a little satisfying to watch her squirm as she relives three of her lowest moments on earth. But hey! We’re not mean girls, so it’s also pretty awesome so watch RJ’s journey. Maybe she isn’t so bad after all. Everyone makes mistakes, right? Are you looking for a laugh? Death Himself, a Hawaiian shirt wearing surfer is pretty funny. But wait! There’s more! Are you looking for a thought-provoking, feel-good story? Look no further than It’s a Wonderful Death. The message is clear: you matter, even if you don’t know it and it’s never to late to think about the choices you make.

Want more like this? Try these:

Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin, Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver, and If I Stay by Gayle Forman.

Happy Reading!


P.S. Thanks to Sky Pony Press for a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.