Monthly Archives: June 2010

Mondays with Megan: Tie Dye T-Shirts at the Library

Hi All! I hope everyone survived the hot and stormy weekend. I for one spent a whole lot of time relaxing in the AC!

Here’s some of the fun we had on Friday. What a gorgeous day to tie dye on the front lawn of the library!

The shirts turned out great and I have plenty of dye left, so keep an eye out for more tie dyeing programs.

Now, looking ahead-2 more days until Eclipse the movie comes out! I am excited, but I am not sure when I will manage to see it. Maybe next weekend.

I am happy to report 95 teens have signed up for summer reading! It’s a great start, but if I’m wearing pirate gear to work I need 105 more teens to sign up. Tell your friends! Free candy! Awesome prizes! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS SIGN UP AND READ. THAT’S ALL. IT’S NOT A BOOK CLUB. Ok, enough “yelling.”

I added a few new books to my list on the next page. I am creeping closer and closer to the end of the Bloody Jack series *sniff, sniff*. I finished My Bonny Light Horseman (#6) and started Rapture of the Deep (#7) and then that’s it for a while. In the Wake of the Lorelei Lee is due out in the fall, but that seems like such a long wait! I also read The Tension of Opposites by Kristina McBride, an author from Centerville, Ohio. I had the opportunity to meet Ms. McBride at a conference in May. She spoke about the grueling process of writing and rewriting her book. Well, after finally picking up my signed copy, I can say that it was worth the effort! I got sucked in from the first page and couldn’t put it down. Curious? For more info and a really cool book trailer click here.

That’s all for now. I need to plan my holiday reading list! I’ll keep you posted on what I picked.

Happy Reading


Mondays with Megan: Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles Review

I just realized that I missed last week! Oops. Last Monday I was busy getting ready for my dance party. If you weren’t there you missed a good time! I want to say a special thanks to the DJ Bence Toth for playing great music!

As you all know it is Summer Reading time here at the library. I am pleased to report that as of right now (1 week into the summer) there are 64 people signed up for Teen Summer Reading!! Keep it up and I will be walking around as a pink haired pirate come fall!

This week is the Tie Dying Program and it is all filled up! I will admit I am pleasantly surprised by this (boy I hope the kit arrives on time…). Feel free to stop by and check things out Friday afternoon from 3-4. We’ll be the ones outside making a colorful mess.

Looking for a great summer read? How about a little romance? I just finished Rules of Attraction by Simone Elkeles and this second book does not disappoint! Carlos is a swoon-worthy tough guy with a major attitude. Kiara is a shy, athletic, car-fixing, goodie two shoes.  Put them together and it’s like oil and water…and electricity! I couldn’t put this book down. I loved Carlos, the tough guy who just needed one person to reach out to him and change his life. I loved that Kiara was also tough, in her own way. She isn’t a girlie girl and she doesn’t tolerate people playing games. I really liked that this was not Alex and Brittany’s story retold. And of course, I am a sucker for a happy ending. I wonder what is store for Luis, the youngest Fuentes? While I wait I will have to check out Elkeles’ other series.

In the mean time, I am getting closer and closer to finishing my travels with Jacky Faber. I am currently listening to book six of the Bloody Jack series, My Bonny Light Horseman in which Jacky finds herself employed as a spy. Ahh, the intrigue.

After reading back over the past few posts I have decided that it is pointless to post a To Read list because I rarely ever read them when I say I am going to read them. I am currently reading A Fieldguide For Heartbreakers by Kristen Tracy. I have no idea what I will read after that, but I’ll keep you posted.

Congratulations to this week’s Summer Reading prize winner. The lucky winner will take home a cool new tote bag, a Tshirt, a frisbee, a coupon for a free Chipotle taco, a coupon for 50% off camping rentals in a State Park, a new book, and some magnets. That’s a lot of good stuff! Sign up, read some books, and fill out entry slips. You can’t win if you don’t enter.

Happy Reading


Mondays with Megan: Claire de Lune by Christine Johnson Review

The clock is ticking…3 more days of schools and 1 more week until Summer Reading kicks off with a dance party. Local DJ Bence Toth will be here providing the music. There will be pizza and popcorn and prizes to raffle off AND if you return overdue materials the fines will be forgiven. You can also reduce some of your existing fines just by dancing. It’s going to be a great time! Next Monday is also the first day you can sign up to participate in Teen Summer Reading. Here’s how it works:

1. Sign your name, phone number and age on the clipboard at the Reference Desk (back by the movies side)
2. Receive a small treat, just for signing up (remember, if over 200 kids sign up, I am going to work in a costume for a week!)
3. Read and listen to audiobooks
4. For every book you read or listen to fill out an entry slip and put it in the raffle box. Every week I will draw a winning name from the box. At the end of the summer I will put all the entries back in and draw for the grand prize, so the more you read the better your chances of winning. (And of course there is the whole dyeing my hair pink thing…if you all read more than 1,000 books, which think you can!)

If you are looking for summer reads, try one of the books I read over the weekend.

Claire de Lune by Christine Johnson offers a new twist on werewolves. Claire is a pretty typical teen until her 16th birthday, when she learns that she is a werewolf. I liked how Claire kind of freaks out when she learns about her destiny. She really struggles to accept this new part of her and what it means about her identity. All the while that she is coping with her new heightened sense and fur, she is also trying to nurture a new relationship with Matthew. If THAT wasn’t enough, there is a rogue wolf killing humans and Matthew’s dad is leading the hunt for the werewolves (in this book humans know that werewolves exist, they just don’t know all the details, such as there are only female werewolves). I liked this book a lot. Claire is a very realistic and lovable character. I enjoyed the process she went through to accept herself as a werewolf. I liked that it was a struggle for her, rather than her just blindly accepting that she was not who she always thought she was. It wasn’t like she found out she was a werewolf and said was cool with it right of the bat. She had to learn and grow and get used to the idea. She also had to come to terms with the fact that she was still Claire, no matter what.

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick is a story about a fallen angel. If you read Fallen by Lauren Kate you’ll want to check this one out. Patch is a mysterious bad boy.  Joy is in danger but she can’t figure out who is after her. Her best friend thinks it’s Patch, but Joy is not convinced. This book had A LOT going on and there were times when Joy was a bit annoying in her indecisiveness, but sinister Patch…mmmm. Anyway, if you are looking for creepy, paranormal, adventure, and romance, here it is, all in one.

I also read The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer, and honestly, I was not impressed. Maybe she should stop fooling around with short stories about extremely minor characters and get cracking on Midnight Sun. What do you think?

Currently Reading: The Demon’s Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan
Currently Listening to: Mississippi Jack by L.A. Meyer
To Read: Alanna, the First Adventure by Tamora Pierce

That’s all for now! Happy Reading


Mondays with Megan (on Tuesday, Again): May in Review

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend. I sure did.  And now the countdown to summer vacation truly begins! Summer Reading begins in 13 days with a Dance Party at the library. Please stop by and check out our local DJ Bence Toth and be sure to sign up for the Teen Summer Reading Program. You get a treat just for signing up and I know most of you teens are required to read at least 2 books over the summer, so you may as well enter to win prizes just for doing your homework. How often does that opportunity come up? Hmm? The sign up sheet and entry forms will be available at the AV Desk starting June 14th.

Here is quick update on my reading goals for the year and May in Review:

As of June 1st I have read or listened to 71 books, which is almost half way to my goal of 150.
I have read 16 debut authors, which is 4 more than my goal of 12 for the year.
I have read 10 graphic novels and I have read plenty of mysteries, science fiction, fiction, and fantasy. I am still falling short in the Nonfiction category. I’ll have to work on that. I have gotten some great new nonfiction in recently. They are on display by the Teen Room, by the way. Check it out; I know I will. So, overall I think I am pretty darned good with my goals.

As for May, I am not sure what happened, but I only managed 11 books. Of those 11 my favorites were:
1. Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles
2. The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan
3. The Prince of the Mist By Carlos Ruiz Zafón
These 3 all got five hearts from me.
Looking for a good book? Check out my Book List Page. The most recent additions are Prince of the Mist, Whispers by Phoebe Kitanidis, and Her by Laura Zigman.

Currently Reading:  Claire De Lune by Christine Johnson and As Easy As Falling Off the Face of the Earth by Lynne Rae Perkins
Currently Listening To: Mississippi Jack by L.A. Meyer. This is book 5 in the Bloody Jack series, and I think it’s my favorite so far!
To Read: Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard (the TV show based on this book series starts next week, so I had better hurry!)

Happy Reading!
