Tag Archives: zombies

Mondays with Megan-Staycation Reading! 2/23/15

Happy Monday, friends. I still feel like I am neglecting this poor little blog, but I am certainly not neglecting my reading! This brutal winter weather is a perfect excuse to read and binge watch Supernatural. If you aren’t already a fan, I highly recommend checking out some demon slaying action with the Winchesters. These guys are dreamy! You don’t meet Cas until Season 4, but he’s my favorite!

supernaturalSam, Dean and Cas.

Anyway. That’s my current obsession. I am currently rationing Season 7. I may have also mentioned before that I am reading my way through the Adult Graphic Novel collection at work. As I am newly responsible for maintaining this collection I feel obligated to really get to know it. So far it has been a lot fun.

mondayreading new monday

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

hosted by Book Journey and Teach Mentor Texts


crossover walking dead 21 walking dead 22 girl on the train zahra lock in

  • Crossover by Kwame Alexander-♥♥♥♥♥. This 2015 Newbery Winner SIZZLES. A heartfelt novel in verse about brothers and fathers and basketball. Loved it.
  • The Walking Dead 21: All Out War, Part 2 by Ron Kirkman-♥♥♥♥. Rick and crew have a final showdown with the villain Negan.
  • The Walking Dead 22: A New Beginning by Ron Kirkman-♥♥♥♥♥. The survivors face many changes. Don’t get too comfy though because an insanely disturbing new twist is revealed!
  • The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkin-♥♥♥♥♥. This debut thriller is being compared to Gone Girl. I never read that one, but I devoured this one in a day. I love unreliable narrators! This one lives up to the hype.
  • Zahra’s Paradise by Amir-♥♥♥♥. Set in the aftermath of the highly contested 2009 Iranian presidential elections, this graphic novel tells the story of one young protester who has disappeared, seemingly without a trace. Fact and fiction blend in this engrossing book. Many times I set it aside to search out more information.
  • Lock In by John Scalzi-♥♥♥♥. This Alex Award winner is fascinating and disturbing. An excellent choice for science fiction fans and fans of Ready Player One and James Dashner’s Morality Doctrine series.

Current Audio: (I didn’t do much driving or walking the dog this week!)

wild rover last vampire

I will finish Wild Rover No More in this week!

Currently Reading: (I am once again all over the place, picking up and putting down a number of books)

grave peril stitching snow prey

On Deck:

first frosts red queen french milk

Before I sign off, one quick question. Have you played Superfight, the card game? Is it worth the investment? Good for teens? Thanks!

Happy Reading!


Mondays with Megan- Death by Chocolate, A Visit to Grandpa’s Cheese Barn, and a Bit of Light Reading 2/9/14

Good Afternoon Dear Reader! Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings.

In case you missed it, last week I held a Death by Chocolate program that drew about 40 teens. I love doing this program. There is quite a bit of prep work that goes into it, but it’s worth it. I played Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory as the backdrop for all of the day’s events. I had a buffet table set with crock pots of melted chocolate and a variety of things to be covered in said melted chocolate-marshmallows, graham crackers, pretzels, vanilla wafers, and bananas. I also printed up some Valentine’s Day BINGO cards and used M&Ms and markers. I am always amazed by how much everyone loves to play BINGO. Winners got mini candy bars. I had a worksheet with pictures of cross sections of well-known chocolate bars and challenged participants to identify as many as possible. I also had some chocolate covered insects on hand and dared them to be brave enough to eat one. I had 12 daring souls chewing on meal worms and crickets (gag)! Oh, and just because I could, I whipped up mini chocolate chip pancakes. We had so much fun!

I had a very busy weekend that included a stop at Grandpa’s Cheese Barn. I still can’t believe that this was my first time there! It’s like a little slice of heaven in the middle of Ohio! I only had time for some graphic novels over the weekend, but I am ahead of schedule on my new goal, so I am not fretting my current novel dry spell.

mondayreading new monday

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Be sure to stop by Book Journey and Teach Mentor Texts for more reading lists.


gigantic beard one plus one mortal coil revival1 revival2 revival3

  • The Gigantic Beard That Was Evil by Stephen Collins-♥♥♥♥♥. Weird and clever and unusual. Amazing black and white illustrations.
  • One Plus One by Jojo Moyes-♥♥♥♥. I’m a sucker for a good road trip story. Especially one with quirky characters!
  • Mortal Coil by Derek Landy-♥♥♥♥♥. Book 5 in the Skulduggery Pleasant series is very long and very dark and super amazing!
  • Revival vol. 1-3 by Tim Seeley-♥♥♥♥. Give this to your Walking Dead fans! In a small town in Wisconsin the dead won’t stay dead.

Current Audio:

last vampire wild rover

  • The Last American Vampire by Seth Grahame-Smith-I didn’t even know there was going to be a sequel to Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter!
  • Wild Rover No More by L.A. Meyer-the final chapter in the Jacky Faber saga.

Currently Reading (though not very committed to them and will be willing to abandon if something better comes along):

tunnel vision geek girl

Happy Reading!


Teen’s Choice Reviews April 2014

At the end of last year I decided to start having my book club students recommend titles for me. I have each person pick three titles that they would like me to read and then I randomly select one. Here are the two Teen’s Choice books for April:

At my high school book club, I drew Maggie’s suggestion:

universe verses

The Universe Versus Alex Woods by Gavin Extence
June 25, 2013
Hardcover, 407 pages

What it’s about:

When he was ten-years old Alex Woods, the bookish son of a fortune-teller, was hit in the head by a meteorite. This event left him scarred and seizure prone and made him the perfect target for the village bullies. Life isn’t easy for him, but he has the bullies to thank for introducing him to Mr. Peterson, a reclusive American expat and Vietnam veteran. What begins as a punishment develops into an unlikely friendship between the two. It is the story of this friendship that Alex tells the police after he is stopped at customs with an urn of ashes and 113 grams of marijuana. Despite the potential trouble he faces, Alex knows he has done the right thing.

Why you might like it:

Do you like quirky stories with memorable characters? Alex and Mr. Peterson certainly are a memorable pair! Are you interested in issues surrounding death and dying? This book tackles assisted suicide and euthanasia. Do you enjoy books about books? You might enjoy all the discussion about the works of Vonnegut and you may be inspired to check out some of the other works Alex reads. Do you appreciate a tear-jerker? You might want to have a tissue handy while reading this one! The Universe Versus Alex Woods quietly worked its way into my heart. This debut is lovely and moving and I loved the experience.

Want more like this?

You might enjoy The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, How to Say Goodbye in Robot by Natalie Staniford, and A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving.


This next suggestion came from another high school book club reader, Olivia. She wasn’t a fan of this one, but thought I might like it because it has zombies and is creepy.

Chasers by James Phelan
First publish May 25, 2010
Paperback, 256 pages

What it’s about:

Jesse and three of his friends from a Youth Ambassador Camp in New York City are on the subway when the explosion happens. As the four crawl from the wreckage the carnage is immediate. People are dead, buildings have collapsed, and the other survivors seem to be infected in some way. In a once crowded and bustling city the only signs of life are the predators who used to be human.

Why you might like it:

If you like creepy, post-apocalyptic stories you may enjoy Chasers. If you are a fan of psychological suspense you might want to try this one. Do you like survival stories? Jesse and his friends have some pretty clever survival techniques. Do you like a book with a surprising twist at the end? Chasers certainly ends with a shock. I did not love this book, but after the twist at the I may go back to the second book. I need answers!

Want more like this?

For more post-apocalyptic survival stories you might like Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer, Ashfall by Mike Mullin, The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan, and Ashes by Ilsa Bick.

Happy Reading!


Top Ten Tuesday-“Gateway” Books and Random Reads April 4/1/14


This week The Broke and the Bookish are asking about our Gateway Books/Authors. These are books that sparked some new interest. Maybe the lead us to a genre we never expected to love or a similar new author. Either way, this it were things all began…

1. Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. This was one of the first YA Science Fiction books that I ever read. I chose it for a class while I was working on my MLIS. I loved it and have been a devoted fan ever since. With the exception of Extras, the man can do no wrong.


2. Fables: Legends in Exile by Bill Willingham. My first adventures with graphic novels! Love, love, love.


3. Airborn by Kenneth Oppel. This was my introduction to Steampunk.


4. Sarah Addison Allen taught me that contemporary women’s fiction can be magical.

garden spells sugar queen peach keeper lost lake

5. Song Fire and Ice by George R.R. Martin. The gateway to high fantasy. It was so far out of character for me to read these books. My love for them was quite shocking. I hardly recognize myself anymore!

game of thrones

6. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. This was the first time I was able to bond with both my mother and much younger brother (13 years separate us) over books.

harry potter7. Stephen King was my introduction to adult reading. In my mind and memories I went from Nancy Drew to Stephen King. I really have no memory of what I was reading in grades 5-7. I am pretty sure I was 11 or 12 when I started reading King. By the time I started high school I was a steady diet of Stephen King, Anne Rice, and John Irving.


8. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. This was my self-prescribed intro to Russian literature and my first step towards plugging gaps in my education. Honestly, I abandoned that task ages ago. I did however, enjoy this one and a few others.

crime and punishment

9.  The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. The gateway to all things zombie. I admit that my love of zombies has waned a bit, but this will always remain my first and favorite undead book.

forest of hands and teeth original

 10. Bloody Jack by L.A. Meyer. This series opened so many doors for me. First, it reminded me that historical fiction can be so much fun. Second, I learned just how much the reader of an audiobook impacts the listening experience. I was new audio user and Katherine Kellgren made it all worth while. Also, this series reminded me to read more pirate books!

bloody jack

random reads

In short, Random Reads is a meme where we pick a random book from our shelf to read within the month. Feel free to do more than one per month, but since a lot of people have a lot of books to read each month, only one is “required” for the meme. I’m on Goodreads so I use my To Read list and Random.org to pick the book I’m going to read.

Last month’s Random Read was Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys. I LOVED it! Be sure to check out my review!

In April I will be reading #15 on my TBR list: The Traitor in the Tunnel (The Agency #3) by Y.S. Lee. I added this to the list on September 3, 2011. It’s time to get caught up with this charming YA Victorian-era mystery series, especially since I think there is a new one coming out this year!

traitor in the tunnel

Happy Reading!



Top Ten Tuesday-Rewind and Guest Post 2/25/14


Hi, Megan here, reporting that I will be sitting on my hands and letting someone else have a turn making a Top Ten Tuesday list. This week The Broke and The Bookish have left the topic up to us, so I am turning things over to Sarah, the awesome librarian-in-training who has been learning the ropes from me and my colleagues.

Books I’d Want on a Desert Island 

1. The Complete Sherlock Holmes  by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – I’ve always loved Sherlock Holmes, but to be honest I never owned the complete works until a few years ago when it was given to me as a birthday present. That being said, this would be the first book I would take with me to a desert island. Of course if I was going to be stranded there I might consider grabbing a few other things first, but as far as reading material – this would be it.
2. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald – This is probably one of the classics that I can safely say I could read on a regular basis, so it makes the cut. I just love the time period and the way F. Scott Fitzgerald paints it. It kind of embodies everything that was good and disastrous about the ’20s, and even though I’ve read it dozens of times it always manages to pull me back.
3. Ready Player One  by Ernest Cline – I will read this book all day long and then read it all over again. I love it that much. Maybe it comes from an excessive love of video games or being a self-proclaimed geek, but I always find something new to love about this book when I read it. Even if it’s just from researching an 80’s reference I missed the first time around.
4. An Abundance of Katherines by John Green – If I’m going to be stranded on a desert island then I’m going to bring a John Green book with me, end of story. And as much as I would love to bring TFioS, I don’t want to spend all of eternity on this desert island in tears. This is one of my favorite road trip themed books, and is just a fun story all around. And also, Hassan is probably one of my favorite characters in any John Green book.
abundance of katherines
5. X-Men: Magneto Testament by Greg Pak – I know. This isn’t a book, it’s a graphic novel. And admittedly, I’m not a huge graphic novel person (I’m working on fixing that!). This, however, is probably my all time favorite. It’s historically accurate, and impressively so – the footnotes alone are proof of that. The illustration is beautiful, and the way some panels are left completely black so the reader can really use their imagination makes the story even more pronounced. And then there’s the story itself, which is just…phenomenal, is probably the best word I can come up with. It’s an excellent read for X-Men fans (or history buffs!).
6. Zombies vs. Unicorns – Probably one of my favorite compilations, with stories by a really great group of authors answering the age-old question…who would win in a battle between zombies and unicorns? I usually don’t read a ton of short story collections, but it was hard to ignore a collection with so many of my favorite authors. But really, how can I pass up Libba Bray, Scott Westerfield, Maureen Johnson, and Cassandra Clare in the same book?! For the record, my bet is always on zombies.
zombies vs unicorns
7. Leviathon by Scott Westerfield – If this wasn’t a top ten list and I had the ability to take an infinite amount of books with me, I would take this entire series. As it stands, though, I’ll gladly settle take one rather than none. I love the steampunk/sci-fi world that Westerfield created and, possibly even more so, I love getting lost in it. This is definitely a “just one more chapter” kind of book.
8. Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen – This one is an interesting re-telling of Robin Hood that doesn’t quite focus entirely on Robin Hood, and ended up being more fun to read than I expected. In any case, the Robin Hood legend is one of my guilty pleasures, so I find myself gravitating toward those stories quite a bit; and I really enjoyed the female-in-disguise aspect of this one. Plus, Scarlet was a really well written character who – to be perfectly honest – kicked butt and did a really good job of it!
scarlet gaughen
9. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell – I just finished this three months ago, but I have no shame in saying that I would definitely grab this one to read again. I love Cath and Levi and Reagan and Wren; I relate to them and what they’re going through in this story. And I think everyone, at some point, has known someone similar to at least one of these characters.
10. Eon by Alison Goodman – Finally, one that I actually haven’t gotten around to reading yet. I’ve had this sitting on my shelf for at least a year, if not close to it. It was the cover that caught my eye first, but the idea of the Dragoneye really appealed to me – and “energy dragons”? I’m intrigued! Now I just need to keep reminding myself to actually read it…
Happy Reading!

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books I Would Recommend to Adults Wanting to Read YA


This week The Broke and the Bookish asked us to make personalized lists for a particular type of reader (Reader X). Well, given that I am the Teen Librarian who also tries to sneak my books into the hands of adult readers, when I solved for X I realized X=Adult who want to read/read more YA, but don’t know where to start. And that is how a librarian does math 😉

1. Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly. Adult readers may already be familiar with Donnelly’s Rose series or A Northern Light, so this shouldn’t be a difficult sell. It’s historical fiction…with a fun little twist. This is the book that made me realize that I do in fact like historical fiction. I also realized that I knew nothing about the French Revolution.


2. The Cardturner by Louis Sachar. I used this book for a intergenerational book discussion. It’s a book about bridge. Seriously. Sort of. It’s a touching story about teenaged boy and his elderly uncle. I have given this to a few adult readers with great success.


3. The Diviners by Libba Bray. This book is for the reader who likes a touch of supernatural horror in their historical fiction! I have made all of my friends read it (my friends are all adults) and everyone seems to like it, though some were not as terrified as I was. Proving once again, that I am a giant baby.


4. Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld. Hmm. There seems to be a historical fiction theme here. Maybe I am on to something…anyway. I gave this to an adult patron. He loved it so much that he told his adult son and his golf buddy. He finished the series and listened to the audiobooks. He’s a regular here and sometimes if he can’t find something new that strikes his fancy, he grabs one of these books. I also gave this book to my uncle, a high school history teacher, and my cousin. This is a sure bet. I promise.


5. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. I am not even finished with this and I know I will be recommend it left and right! Give this to the “new adult” or the parent of a teen heading off to college. I would also give it to an adult who is feeling nostalgic about Harry Potter.


6. I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak. The Book Thief is a popular book among readers young and young at heart and it’s fame has only increased with the recent film release. Take advantage of the name recognition and put I am the Messenger in the hands of your adult readers! Zusak wrote New Adult before it was even a thing! Ed Kennedy is an unforgettable character.


7. The Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness. This science fiction series is dark and disturbing and Ness doesn’t take any easy ways out. It’s not pretty, but it is riveting!

knife of neve

8. The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. No zombie lover should miss this series! Give this to your Walking Dead fans looking for more zombie action. I guarantee they will be surprised by what they discover between the pages.

forest of hands and teeth original

9. Hold Me Closer, Necromancer by Lish McBride. Give this to fans of Sookie Stackhouse. Lots of bizarre paranormal action and wickedly dark humor.

hold me closer 2

10. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. Give this to adults skeptical of teen paranormal romance. Definitive proof that it’s not all swoony vampires and werewolves. Chimera anyone?

daughter of smokeHappy Reading!


Mondays With Megan: Countdown to Vacation!

Five more days until I am on vacation for three weeks! I have a ton to do to get ready, but I am mostly concerned about which books I am going to take and in which format. But that is a list for another day. Today is Monday and that means I get to make a What Are You Reading? list. Be sure to check out more lists at Book Journey and Teach Mentor Texts for more great reading suggestions.

I didn’t get too much reading in over the weekend. I was quite busy hanging out with my 91-year-old grandma and finishing my stone wall project in my backyard. Slowly but surely, it’s coming along. Next step: dirt and plant!

  yard 1

yard 2

But enough of that. You’ve come for the books!

mondayreading Mon Reading Button PB to YA


winger dorothy and the wizard in oz art forger sixteen

Winger by Andrew Smith is a must-read. Seriously. It is both laugh-out-loud hilarious and heartbreaking. It is the story of Ryan Dean West, a 14-year-old junior at a private boarding school. He plays rugby, falls in love, gets his ass kicked, and makes some pretty stupid mistakes. This glimpse into the mind of a teenaged boy is fascinating! I also made progress in The Marvel Oz series by Eric Shanower. This fourth installment, Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz did not have my favorite storyline, but the illustrations are really my favorite part anyway! I finished listening to The Art Forger by B.A. Shapiro and promptly passed it on to my aunt. It was so compelling that I was often disappointed when I got to my destination and had to stop listening. Finally, I zipped through another Stephanie Plum novel. At this rate I should be all caught up when book 20 (!) comes out in the fall.

Current Audio:

aristotle and dante secrets to the grave

I have finally gotten around to Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, the multi-award winning novel by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. I am not very far into it, but so far I like the characters and narrator. On Playaway I have Secrets to the Grave by Tami Hoag. I have never read anything by this author and this is actually the second book in a series, but it doesn’t seem to matter that I missed the first one. I am enjoying this thriller set in the 1980’s.

Currently Reading:

end games proxy ashenwinter second helpings

I just started T. Michael Martin’s debut, The End Games. There is something weird going on here and I think I need to know what it is. Is this really a game? I am still working on my e-galley of Proxy by Alex London (it’s out now!) and I couldn’t resist Ashen Winter by Mike Mullin any longer. I also started Second Helpings by Megan McCafferty.

What are you reading?

Happy Reading!


Top Ten Tuesday: Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Want a Book


This week’s Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by the Broke and the Bookish is all about insta-want (not to be confused with the dreaded and annoying insta-love trope). I am talking about those themes/descriptors/genres that pique your interest the moment you hear them. I have been known to have a Pavlovian response to the following:

1. Time Travel. This is a relatively new obsession and I must admit I am not indulging it nearly enough.

hourglass ruby red 112263

2. Road Trip. I have always wanted to be the kind of person who takes road trips. I love the romantic book versions of road trips. In reality, gas station bathrooms are disgusting, you can only eat so many Combos, and cars are pretty uncomfortable. But the road trip novel? Heaven!

amy and roger abundance of katherines going bovine

3. Serial Killers. Nothing like a serial killer to get the heart pumping!

i hunt killers christopher killer name of the star

4. Secret Societies. Who doesn’t want to be a part of a secret society? There is so much variety here-spies, magicians, nano-technology, paranormal agencies, secret demon hunters and more! LOVE this theme.

i'd tell you white-cat bzrk rook stork city of bones blood oath

5. Dark Humor. I love books that have a wicked sense of humor. I also enjoy a serious book with unexpected bits of much-needed comic relief.

hold me closer  dirty job sapphire blue golem

6. Sassy/Snarky/Plucky Heroine. It’s true! I love a mouthy gal! Frankie, Lucy, Sophie, Evie, Elvie, Amy, Jackie, and Ruby, I am looking at you!

frankie hearts hex hall paranormalcy mothership texas gothic bloody jack boyfriend

7. Retellings/Mythology. Fractured fairy tales and modern mythology seem to be all rage and I like it. I need to read more!

cinder fables strands of bronze and gold percy my ex from hellsisters red frost beastly

8. Zombies and Vampires. For me this one is cyclical. I burn out on one and move to the other. I think I am heading back into a vampires kind of mood. I want to read Immortal Rules soon.

forest of hands and teeth original hearts this is not a tesst immortal rules

9. Paranormal that is NOT zombies or vampires. You know, ghosts, chimera, demons, and other such mystical creatures. I never did get into mermaids though.

diviners daughter of smoke raven boys clockwork

10. Romance. I have been fighting this one. I was never a romance reader growing up, but I just have to come to terms with the fact that I enjoy a nice teen romance. I do!

my life just one day pushing the limits nantucket blue

Bonus: Words/Topics that make me run away

1. Cancer. Nope. Can’t do it. No thanks. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Too much real life experience with the old C-word to last many life times. No need to read about it. I am also not a huge fan of suicide and eating disorder books.

2. Holocaust. I try. I really do. I acknowledge that there is a ton of really amazing literature out there, and I have appreciated the works that I have read, but oh man, it is so horrifying and disturbing. I can’t handle it. I just can’t.

3. Fairies. So far there has been one exception: Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey series.

Happy Reading!


Mondays With Megan-Fighting the February Funk With Books!

Hey everyone! Are you having a long weekend? I’m at work, but still managed a long weekend by taking Friday off. I was supposed to road trip to Michigan to see Ally Carter, but honestly, the February Funk crept in and told my brain that nearly 8 hours in the car was a bad idea. Instead, I parked it at the coffee shop and had a relaxing day off. In fact, I pretty much indulged my Funk all weekend and spent lots of time lounging, moping, and reading. I am still off pace (thank you very much, Kevin the High Maintenance Dog), but I did pretty good this week.

mondayreading Mon Reading Button PB to YA

Thank you Book Journey and Teach Mentor Texts for hosting my favorite Monday meme:

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?


twelve and she was warm bodies fairest

I am enjoying my Stephanie Plum kick and will probably move on to Lean Mean Thirteen soon. I picked up the Alison Gaylin book for our genre discussion meeting. This month we are talking thriller/suspense. And She Was was not an edge-of-your-seat suspense, but it was an interesting and entertaining read. I read Warm Bodies in one sitting and now I am ready to see the movie. Wide Awake is the first volume of a new Fables spin-off series called Fairest and it stars the leading ladies of fairy tales. The main story featured Briar Rose, but for me, the real treat was the short at the end about Beauty. Things are definitely about to get interesting…

Still Working On:

ready going vintage lost stories

Oh, the love. I don’t want Ready Player One to end. I set Going Vintage aside temporarily in favor of another e-galley (see currently reading). I’ll get back to it this week.

Currently Reading:

also known as

I am totally loving Also Known As by Robin Benway! It’s the perfect fix while I impatiently wait for Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter. It’s so much fun that it’s the only book I am reading right now!

On Deck:

speaking from among the bones  enders game cadet

It is almost my turn with the new Flavia de Luce book! While I wait for the audio I am going to start Ender’s Game. I am also going to get started on The Cadet of Tildor. I’ve heard great things, so I am excited to read this debut fantasy. Of course, this can all change. You never know what book is going to change all my plans! What are you reading this week?

Happy Reading!


Top Ten Tuesday: Books and Authors I am Thankful For

This week The Broke and the Bookish is giving thanks and so am I. I am so thankful to be going on vacation. I am also thankful that I have a Nook loaded with books. And of course, there a so many authors and books that I am thankful for that a Top Ten list is nearly impossible! But, I’ll give it my best shot.

1. J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter. I will always be thankful for these books. For many years they were the only thing I had in common with my youngest brother. A thirteen year age gap is pretty big when you are 10 and 23! We read all the books together and saw all the movies. I will even admit to crying in the parking lot after seeing the last movie-not because of the film, but because it was the last one and end to a favorite tradition.

That’s my one heart-warming book related story. Everything is else is based on pure awesomeness.

2. Scott Westerfeld. Uglies was the first YA book that I read as an adult in library school. What an awesome way to get started in the wonderful world of YA! The only drawback is that often find myself thinking/saying things like “kids today have it so good, they don’t even know…” I mean, it’s true, but when did I become that old lady?

3. Carrie Ryan. I may never have discovered that I love zombies had it not been for The Forest of Hands and Teeth!

4. John Flanagan and The Ranger’s Apprentice. This series is so awesome and I am personally thankful for Halt and Tug. I love those guys! Even better? Last week my road-trip loving library pals and I took a little trip to Columbus to see him. And my collection of signed books grows…YAY.

5. Kiersten White. I loved Paranormalcy and can’t wait to read more from her. Also, her blog is lots of fun.

6. Libba Bray. I am so thankful for the awesome variety of books she writes. Gemma Doyle? Awesome. Going Bovine? Weird and awesome. Beauty Queens? Hilarious and awesome. The Diviners? My most favoritest of all! Creepy and awesome. And of course, she is a hilarious delight in person.

7. L.A. Meyer. A TTT list would not be complete without a shout out to my favorite sea-faring orpah, Jacky Faber!

How about some non-YA thanks?

8. Sarah Addison Allen. I am so thankful for her lovely, magical books.

9. Lisa Lutz. How much do I love the Spellmans? So. Freaking. Much. More, please!

10. Bill Willingham. I am thankful to my co-worker for recommending Fables as my introduction to the wonderful world of graphic novels!

So I kept it to ten, but I just realized it’s been a while since I gushed about Michael Grant, Ally Carter, Rick Riordan, or Antony John in a Top Ten Tuesday! Weird. Still totally thankful for these guys.

Happy Reading!
