Mondays With Megan-Bout of Books 7.0 Wrap Up

Um, it’s Monday already? How did that happen?!? I guess between birthday parties, baseball games, and a little bit of yard work (just enough to keep my yard from looking like an abandoned lot. I tell you, it is a total pain in the neck having a next door neighbor with a front yard like a golf course…so much pressure!) the time just flies by. It was so much fun I am ready to do it again. Despite all the running around and having fun, I managed to get a ton of reading done for the Bout of Books 7.0 Readathon. Here is one giant check-in post, and then I am off to prepare summer reading and fall programs.

Last week was the readathon, so my results post will double as my It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? post. This one little post is working triple time. Check out Book Journey and Teach Mentor Texts for more Monday lists.

bout of books 7 mondayreading monday2


3 Graphic Novels

walking dead 17 american vampire 4 cardboard

The Walking Dead vol. 17: Something to Fear by Robert Kirkman is a devastating addition to this disturbing series. Seriously messed up. Actually, the same goes for American Vampire vol. 4 by Scott Snyder. Cardboard by Doug TenNapel was a bit tamer, but still featured monsters. It is no wonder I had some pretty creepy dreams last week. I need a rainbows and kittens cure ASAP! (In case you couldn’t tell, I thought ALL of these were awesome.)

3 Novels

45 pounds one moment game

I finished an e-galley of 45 Pounds by K.A. Barson. I admit I was worried that it was going to be a fat-girl-is-shunned-but-loses-weight-and-everything-is-perfect kind of story. It was not. And it was great! I am way behind on NetGalley reviews, but stay tuned because I swear I will get to it soon. My trip to the Ohioana Book Festival inspired me to catch up on some local authors, so I picked up One Moment by Kristina McBride. I really enjoyed hearing the author’s point of view on this dark read. It is a fast, compelling read that doesn’t get tied up with a pretty bow at the end. Finally, I spent the week hunting a serial killer. Game, by Barry Lyga was by far my favorite book from last week. I confess, I am a big baby and this one creeped the bejeezus out of me and gave me nightmares. I am desperate for the next book!

Bout of Book Totals:

Books Finished: 6
Pages Read: 1560
Minutes Listened: 438 (that’s 7.3 hours spent driving and walking the dog!)
Challenges: 2

Current Audio:

magicians lady almina

I am almost to the half way mark in The Magicians, but I still can’t say how I feel about it. I am definitely interested in finding out where the author is going with things!

Currently Reading:

rules wizard of oz

On a whim, I shoved aside the book I was planning to start today (As Dead As it Gets by Katie Alender…soon, I promise) and started The Rules by Stacey Kade. I am slowly enjoying Ozma of Oz by Eric Shanower. I love this graphic adaptation so much!

Current e-book:

for the good of mankind far far away

From NetGalley I have For the Good of Mankind? by Vicki Wittenstein. It is a short but grizzly nonfiction book about human medical experimentation. Once I finish I will start Far Far Away by Tom McNeal.

On Deck: ????

I am looking forward to good reading week! What about you?

Happy Reading!


6 responses to “Mondays With Megan-Bout of Books 7.0 Wrap Up

  1. Wow, great job with Bout of Books. I also was able to read six books, and it felt so good!

    I have I Hunt Killers right now from the library and I’ve heard totally amazing things about it. I’m really excited to read it, because I actually like scary books đŸ™‚

  2. Lots of interesting books and all unfamiliar to me, so that’s kind of good! I’m intrigued by Far, Far Away because I read To Be Sung Underwater by Tom McNeal and loved it! Happy reading and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. Fantastic job with the read-a-thon! I managed to read four books.

    I want to read 45 Pounds. I am glad to hear that you liked it and that it doesn’t succumb to the usual tropes.

  4. Rose Milligan

    I’ve always been intrigued by graphic novels, but I’ve never read one. I’m reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer.

  5. Wow–lots of great sounding reading for you! I enjoyed Cardboard more than I thought I would . . . a great premise to think about, and TenNapel is a great illustrator.

  6. I’ve really been meaning to read The Rules, and I will have to check out 45 Pounds. I was hesitant to pick it up because I’m SO far behind in my reading. Thanks for visiting my Monday post.

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